I'm really exhausted this morning - I've been in serious production mode lately. (Though I did have time to squeeze in a run yesterday at one of my favorite local parks.)
I've been thinking a lot about my own strengths and weaknesses as I envision my business growing. I want to make sure that when it comes time to hire employees, I'm choosing people whose skills compliment my own. So, here's a mini list of my (business related) strengths and weaknesses:
Strengths - strong design vision, passionate, motivated, efficient at production work, really honed the techniques I use in my work, enjoy face to face sales, workaholic
Weaknesses - disorganized (if you could see my office...), not enthused about bookkeeping, takes me a while to return calls/emails, workaholic
I'm sure this list will continue to grow, but it really helps to clarify things a little.