Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
happy snow

My mood has improved considerably since my first post this morning. Turns out this was one of those rare, perfect snows - large puffy flakes that don't stick to the road but make everything a beautiful sparkling white.
Plus, I actually road my bike today! Outside! In the snow! This is the first time I've ridden in almost two months, and it may have something to do with my good mood. It was just a short ride around town to run errands, but I couldn't have been happier out in the snow and the fresh air. There's this weird part of me that isn't so upset about winter anymore.
Have a great weekend, everyone! Joe and I are heading to Ocean City, MD for our two year anniversary, so I'll be back on Monday.
snow dog
Thursday, November 20, 2008
the store in my head

Its like someone reached inside my brain and created a store. Covered in floral wallpaper, piles of pillows, gorgeous home decor pieces, and bicycles! If I was going to open a store, I would want it to be like this one.
Eco-pop-up shop via TreeHugger.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I've got my computer back! And to celebrate I thought I'd share some more patterns that I'm working on plus some good news.
I got into Accent on Design at the New York International Gift Fair! I'm so excited for this new opportunity, but I've got a lot of work to do. Back to sketching and planning...
Monday, November 17, 2008
technical difficulties
Monday, November 10, 2008
paper models
its time

monday morning eye candy

Sunday, November 9, 2008
new patterns
weekend trip

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
our next president
Last political post for a while, I promise. But for the first time in a long time, I feel like I'm actually proud to be an American.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
election day!
I'm so glad its finally election day because I'm tired of getting into political arguments with my family. So no matter what else you do today, get out and vote!
video via Dear Ada
Monday, November 3, 2008
Lebanon Daily News endorses Obama
Obama the one
Yet it is with enthusiasm and the highest hopes for the future of our nation that the Lebanon Daily News endorses Sen. Barack Obama, a liberal Democrat, for president of the United States.
Over the years, Sen. McCain has earned our respect. While his conservative credentials are unquestionable, he has earned the label of maverick by following his political conscience no matter where it leads — most notably in recent memory by his unwavering support for an unpopular war, sticking to principles that could have cost him his party’s nomination and could cost him the presidency. But we have been disappointed by how Sen. McCain has conducted his campaign, allowing his Rovian-style handlers to take the low road again and again, attacking his opponent with cheap shots that he knows are false or at least unsubstantive. We were gravely disappointed in his choice of a running mate who is divisive because she is a political extremist and — above all else — simply not ready to be president.
We acknowledge reservations about Sen. Obama, whose politics are well to the left of our own and whose experience on the national stage is relatively brief.
But he has impressed us deeply with his conduct during this long, difficult campaign. He has stuck largely to the high road. He has surrounded himself with good people, and he has displayed a steady hand and a rich intellect that enables him to quickly grasp complex and thorny issues. In drawing his party together after a bitter and divisive primary campaign, he has shown the skills at conciliation and consensus-building that the next president will desperately need.
Much is made of the “promises” made by presidential candidates. In fact, of course, they are not promises at all, merely articulations of vision. It is still Congress that writes the laws, passes the budgets and (we hope) the spending bills, and approves (or not) the treaties. Still, the president is the closest thing we have, in our system, to a head of state. To the rest of the world, he or she in effect personifies the United States of America.
We believe our nation is at one of those historic crises when great leadership is needed. Time and again before when we’ve been there, great leaders have stepped forth — Lincoln, Roosevelt, Reagan. We believe Sen. Obama is a visionary leader who can inspire Americans and restore our country to its rightful position of leadership in the world, respected among nations. We believe he has the right stuff to be among the great ones.
The next four years may well be a time during which great sacrifice will be needed from us all. We call on the voters of the Lebanon Valley to make the first of those sacrifices by setting aside lesser concerns — party, political philosophy, single-issue preoccupations, old fears about otherness fanned by Internet smear campaigns — to vote for the candidate with the vision to lead us out of this crisis.
That candidate is Sen. Barack Obama.
Please vote tomorrow.