I'm sorry for the total neglect of this blog over the last few weeks. The wonderful Annie and I are off to the New York Gift Fair today. To say I'm nervous would be an understatement. I've never done a show of this size before (not to mention the cost).
After New York (I'll be back next Wednesday), I have about a week and a half until ACC in Baltimore. Then its off to Utica to install my 2-person exhibition, then a few more days, and then off to Savannah for SNAG, where I'm presenting in the Professional Development Seminar! Wow!
And since I'm missing the Towson Jewelry/Metals beginning of the semester party, I'm including a few pictures of myself for that. (I have pictures of myself so much, so this is quite painful.) Below you'll find what I look like in a typical day in my studio, and me when I'm cleaned up a bit.
If your at the New York Gift Fair, stop by and say hello! (Handmade, booth 132)

PS - Interns, sorry for not posting the other pics! Time got away from me.