I haven't been sleeping well this week - a combination of allergies and poorly timed allergy medicine.
This morning I was wide awake at 3:30 AM. It wasn't entirely bad, as I found myself brainstorming display ideas for the summer gift fair. On my drive home last night, I had been thinking about product development for the show, so this was clearly my unconscious mind continuing to work through gift fair planning while I slept.
Eventually, I drifted off to sleep, and this is where my mind turned ugly. I had an awful dream where I got to the gift fair to set-up, only to find that the dimensions of my booth had changed. While my location and booth number remained the same, the dimensions of my booth had changed from 10 feet wide by 6 feet deep to 10 feet deep by 2 feet wide! I want you to really picture that - 10 feet deep by 2 feet wide!
How could anyone even walk into that?
Of course, I angrily approached the show organizers, whose solution was to bring me a chair (that wouldn't fit) and some ugly black fabric for draping.
I've learned by now that the occasional ridiculous stress dream is all part of the fun of running your own business. (Or at least it is for me - when I was a waitress in college I used to have dreams about forgetting to wait on a table!)
Anyone else out there have business related stress dreams?